Source code for scope.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Console script for scope."""

import logging
import sys

import click
import yaml
import jinja2

from scope import Recieve, Send

YAML_AUTO_EXTENSIONS = ["", ".yml", ".yaml", ".YML", ".YAML"]

[docs]def yaml_file_to_dict(filepath: str) -> dict: """ Given a scope configuration yaml file, returns a corresponding dictionary. If you do not give an extension, tries again after appending one: + ``.yml`` + ``.yaml`` + ``.YML`` + ``.YAML`` Note that this function also uses `~jinja2` to replace any templated variables found in the under the top-level key ``template_replacements``. This key is then deleted from the remainder of the dictionary. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Where to get the YAML file from Returns ------- dict A dictionary representation of the yaml file. Raises ------ ``OSError`` if the file cannot be found. """ for extension in YAML_AUTO_EXTENSIONS: try: with open(filepath + extension) as yaml_file: yaml_contents = # Open the template template = jinja2.Template(yaml_contents) # Parse the template from YAML to a dict preparsed_dict = yaml.load(yaml_contents, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # outputText = template.render(**preparsed_dict["template_replacements"]) parsed_dict = yaml.load(outputText, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) del parsed_dict["template_replacements"] return parsed_dict except IOError as error: logging.debug( "IOError (%s) File not found with %s, trying another extension pattern.", error.errno, filepath + extension, ) raise OSError("All file extensions tried and none worked for %s" % filepath) @click.version_option() def main(args=None): """Console script for scope.""" click.echo( "SCOPE a stand-alone coupler. Please use --help for available operations." ) return 0 @main.command() @click.argument("config_path", type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument("whos_turn") def recieve(config_path: str, whos_turn: str) -> None: """Command line interface to regridding""" config = yaml_file_to_dict(config_path) reciever = Recieve(config, whos_turn) reciever.recieve() @main.command() @click.argument("config_path", type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument("whos_turn") def send(config_path: str, whos_turn: str) -> None: config = yaml_file_to_dict(config_path) sender = Send(config, whos_turn) sender.send() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # pragma: no cover